If you’re familiar with the basics of Search Engine Optimization or ‘SEO’ then I’m sure that you understand the significance and importance of having high quality back links to your website, blog, video, profile or anything possible on the internet. Everyone’s familiar with the best websites in the world which include Google, Facebook, YouTube, Yahoo, Amazon, Twitter, HowToRuleOnline and the list goes on and on. LOL, ignore the latter one, I wanted to test your attentiveness, pardon me. If we keep working harder and harder, I’m sure we’ll reach the the top rankings. Okay! So if you check the number of back links to these websites, you’d find that they are in thousands or even millions. The back links to Facebook are as high as 7 million. Now that’s an exceptionally huge number. Thus, back links are very important if it comes to SEO, ranking your site, judging your site credibility etc.
Before I go further, let me make it very clear that if back links are not created in the right way, you may land up in a hell lot of problems, but you don’t need to worry because today we would make a good number of safe and high quality back links. You might find Gigs on Fiverr.Com saying ‘I’ll give you 3000 High Quality Back Links for $5‘
I personally suggest that you shouldn’t hire any body to make back links for you, you should rather do some smart work and make back links for yourself. Because you know your website better than anybody else and you know exactly the kind of back links and traffic you require.
Things to keep in mind while creating back links:
- Don’t create a large number of back links in one go, Google may put your website in the sand box.
- Create back links from credible sources only. Prefer creating back links from the websites of your niche. If I run a website about weight loss, then I would definitely not create back links from a website about sports. LOL, yes.
- Work for yourself. Avoid hiring a second person for creating back links for you. He/she may land you up into a mess.
- Avoid creating 2 way back links. A two way back link is the one that you get in return after linking to another site. It’s better to create one way back links or three way back links. If you wish to learn more about them, check out the links mentioned below.
If you’re not clear with the basics of SEO, read:
A SUPER guide to create FREE PR 9,8,7 Do-Follow, SEO Friendly Back Links
Now, let’s talk about creating back links. Back Links can be created to your website by the following:
Blog Commenting
Blog Commenting not only helps you create back links if the comments are posted on a do follow blog, they also help you get more traffic. When I started blogging I had to solely rely on commenting on other blogs. If you wish to get traffic on your website, YouTube Video, Facebook Page or anything else, you must make blog commenting a habit. By blog commenting I don’t mean SPAMMING. Most of the comments that you find on blogs are spam. A spam comment is of the form: ‘Hey! That’s a really good post.’ or ‘Thanks for posting!’. Such comments who have no meaning for the website are often taken as spam by the website admins and the people posting such comments often end up getting black listed. Please make sure you follow the following guidelines while posting comments on other websites:
- Post relevant material.
- Don’t spam. You might get banned from the video or page. Facebook or YouTube might even ban your website links.
- Start up conversations. Get involved with other users.
- Earn some credibility first. Build a good reputation among the users.
- Don’t over do it.
- Make sure you include your website links in the comments, but at the right time.
Blog commenting is the most easiest and efficient ways to create back links. You need to make sure that you do that in the right way. Post relevant comments and include the links to your websites only when necessary.
When you post a comment on a website, you’re required to enter your website URL, that acts as a back link for your website.
The list of HIGH PR blogs that offer do-follow back links is too long, so I included them in another post:
Guest Posting
Guest posting according to me is like you’re a newbie and you get to act with a superstar. If you’re good, you get fame, money and respect, if not, things don’t really change. LOL, that’s what guest posting is. You simply think of a good post idea, draft a post which is good, informative, SEO optimized and share it on the guest blogging website. If the website admin likes your post, he/she would share it and in return you would get more fame, traffic and popularity. Check out the following post to get a gist of benefits of guest posting:
- Benefits of Guest Posting that are worth the effort
- List of High Quality Blogs that accept guest posts
Social Bookmarking
Wikipedia defines Social Bookmarking as “A social bookmarking service is a centralized online service which enables users to add, annotate, edit, and share bookmarks of web documents.”
A social bookmark is a link that people post to social networking websites like Twitter, Pinterest and more. In this way from the high PR social bookmarking sites you succeed in getting a high quality back link and if people find your content worth reading or sharing, you’d end up getting massive amount of traffic.
- By adding social bookmarking links you are creating backlinks to you own website, which helps in <SEO>.
- It helps you generate traffic through such social media platforms and that too for free.
- It is a risk-free strategy and might fetch you a good traffic in less time.
- It helps you rank higher in search results as well.
- The best Social Media bookmarking websites are: Twitter, Pinterest, Reddit.
Social Bookmarking is one very important aspect of off-page SEO. It is a complete package which get’s you very high quality back links and traffic too. The nest part of social book marking is that you won’t get bored of it. After all, who doesn’t like staying on Social Bookmarking websites like Facebook and Twitter. Thus, off page optimization is a must if you wish to implement online marketing and SEO.
Article and Forum Posting
Now, this is another method to increase your ONE-WAY LINKS. One-way links are the links coming from different websites to your website or your website pages. Submit articles related to your area of expertise. Creating an auto-bio about you and your website would definitely help in this case.
Include keywords to your Home Page, Internal Pages.
Articles should be :
- From 500-800 Words.
- Should be industry specific.
- Be consistent in posting articles. One article posted/week would be good.
- Should have a summary at the end or beginning of the article to give the reader a jist of the theme of the article.
Also read:
There are a large number of Forums on the internet. Find Forums related to your website type. One Forum of my genre is ‘Black Hat World’. This forum is about SEO and has a large community of SEO experts. So, find the right forums for your website and start getting involved in the conversations. Keep in mind the following points for Forum Posting too.
- Post relevant material.
- Don’t spam. You might get banned from the Forum.
- Start up conversations. Get involved with other users.
- Earn some credibility first. Build a good reputation among the users.
- Don’t over do it.
One of the best online marketing forums includes: WarriorForum.Com
Writing a Press Release
A press release in terms of Websites is the official announcement of your website being live. It is similar to launching a new cell phone in the market via news reports, advertisements etc. Press Releases increase your presence on the internet and tell the internet world about the launching of your website. A successful press release might increase the traffic on your website. There are a number of websites on which you can release your websites after it’s completion and implementation.
Also read:
Directory Listings
Directory submission/listing refers to the process of adding your website to a web directory like the one’s mentioned below. This process involves submitting your website URL and other details of your website under the most suitable category. Like if your website is about ‘Auto Mobiles’ then you wouldn’t submit it in the ‘Internet Marketing’ category(obviously), you would submit it under categories like : “Auto Mobiles” “Travel” “Auto Parts” etc. So directory submission is a very good way to advertise your website for free and create high PR back links.
Also read:
Blogging Communities

Blogging communities are platforms on which one can share blog posts, articles, pictures and more. In most of them the blogger shares the link of his last post and gives a brief introduction about that. In this way a high quality back link get’s created to the blogger’s blog and if the community finds the article good enough, the blog might end up getting some really good traffic. On blogging communities like BloKube or BizSugar, community members vote for the latest posts. More votes imply a higher position on the homepage of the blogging community. In this way the most liked post get’s displayed at the top most position and get’s a special mention on the homepage too.
For starters I would recommend the following blogging communities:
Free Online Classifieds
You can post free classified ads on websites like craigslist.org or Olx.com. If you’ve started selling a product, post a free ad on these websites. They have a large follower base and they might fetch you some good business too. Moreover, most of the top classified websites have a very high Page Rank.
Also Read:
Okay, so the title succeeded in garnering your attention. I would like to share some quick secrets to create PR 9,8,7 back links in no time. In the next 5 minutes we would be able to create more than 5 PR 9 back links:
- Google +
If you’re not a member on Google +, you might be missing some really good stuff. Google + is one of the most traffic generating platforms. With it’s incredibly high page rank and user base, Google + sends you loads of traffic(when done in the right way) and back links too. I’m assuming that you have an account on Google + already. Open the ‘About’ tab on your Google + profile and scroll down to the links section. Click on ‘Add custom link’ and add your website/blog link. In this way you would create a high PR 9 Google + back link.
- WordPress.org Forum
WordPress.org is a PR 9 website with a highly active forum. More than 80% of bloggers use WordPress, which increases the number of queries and doubts side by side. WordPress forums are highly active and happen to have a large user base.If you face any glitches with your WordPress site, theme or plug-in, just start a discussion on WordPress.org and add you website’s link.
- Mozilla.org
First of all create a free account on Mozilla.org: Create
While registering fora free account on Mozilla, add your blog/website’s home page link. Once you submit the registration form, verify your Email address by clicking on a link that would be sent to you by Mozilla for verification purposes. Once you get through with the verifying process, you would gain a PR 9 back link all over again.